AKA’s parents allegedly trend after a video of them dancing together

The late artist AKA’s biological parents, Lynn and Tony had pulled out some impressive ballroom dance moves while celebrating their son’s Metro FM awards.

This is something that has impressed a lot of South Africans, especially because these people divorced a long time ago, but still find time to celebrate their son’s achievements.


Many people would not have allowed themselves to have a relationship even when they have a son together, especially because most of the parents who are in the separate relationships fight each other all the time.

It is good to see that these two adults put their differences aside, and have a good relationship with each other for the sake of their late son, and this also shows the people that these two have always gotten along, even when he was still alive.

Many South Africans have continued to shower them with love and also told them that they will heal as time goes on because they know very well that it’s not easy to lose a son.