Sad moments on Skeem-Sam: Is this the end of Mr Kgomo?

The main message that this drama is a trying to give us, it is not exactly in about the consequences of cheating. Yes, cheating is bad, the lesson for this according to me, the main thing that this is teaching us is that, anger can erupt into anything. It is just that in every situation we need to know how to control our temper. How you respond to a situation matters. I understand that it is very painful to be cheated on, especially





by a person that you trusted for so long, the person that you trusted with your life, but it is also more important as to how you respond to that situation.
It is as a result of her, the wife of Mr Kgomo who responded to the affair that has erupted into the uncontrollable fire of which we are not sure whether Mr Kgomo will survive or not. So that is the main lesson that I would say I’ve learnt from this drama. Control your temper, at the end of the day the wife might end up in prison because it will look like she’s the one who set the house on fire and locked them inside, then the child will be left with no parents. The father dead in fire, the mother serving a life sentence in prison, so what did anger solved.

Thank you