The CEO of a hospital was caught having an affair with a hospital

Things heated up slightly yesterday on the SABC 1 soap opera, Turfloop, when Chief Operation Officer Mr. Kgomo was caught in the act of sexual misconduct with Hospital Clerk Melitta.

While Mrs. Kgomo was away, Hospital Chief Operation Officer Mr. Kgomo invited his girlfriend Melitta over for some fun.


Mrs. Kgomo returned unexpectedly while they were having fun and caught them in the act.

Mrs. Ivy Kgomo was told by dome residents that her husband was having an affair with Melitta, but she refused to believe them. Now she had to see everything unfold before her very eyes.


She’ll forgive her unfaithful husband and assign all the responsibility to Melita, even though she’s the one who’s been hurt the most and is going through the most.

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