Maskandi artists can learn a lot from these two kings and a queen

On Twitter, a man named Mlungu posted and said Maskandi artists can learn a lot from the two Limpopo kings and a queen. People reacted in many different ways to his tweet. One of these people commented at Khuzani’s house and said that the Limpompians must stop undermining the Zulu people because they always act like victims when KZN strikes back. This person stated that Mlungu’s tweet was going to be great if he complemented his people without bashing others.


Mjomane told him that he cannot compare a main stream artist like Makhadzi and King Monada to a traditional music artist; most of them do not get many gigs, but they have built their homes with what they have. Thema said that the truth is that the Maskandi artist does not build double-story or triple-story buildings simply because they do not live in small plots. He said they build complexes, and they have vast amounts of land on which to do so.

They said that he is comparing two different genres. They said that he is supposed to compare King Monada with the likes of Sox, Black Coffee, DJ Tira, and Babes Wodumo with his queen Makhadzi, and then they can talk about the traditional musicians. Black Hawk said that Mlungu must remember that Maskandi artists were making far less money compared to artists of kwaito, hip hop, house, etc. until recently. Most of them have very little education too, and as a result, it is far easier for record labels to rip them off. It’s only now that they are becoming more recognized.