Today marks 2 years since Anele Tembe’s death

Today marks two years since the tragic death of Anele Tembe. In April 2021 Anele Tembe fell to her death from the pepperclub hotel in Cape Town. Anele ‘Nelli’ Tembe was introduced to the public after her relationship with rapper Kiernan Forbes. was assassinated in Durban on February 10th 2023. Anele was 22 years old and she was a chef by profession.



AKA and Anele Tembe were engaged to be married and they had started the Lobola process. It was said to the media that Anele Tembe committed suicide by jumping off the 10th floor of the hotel. However the Tembe family believed that there was more to her death. Unfortunately the Tembe family will never get the answers they were looking for. Today marks two years since her death.

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