skeem saam : Pretty Visits Lehasa In Jail This Week

t seems like this week we will be seeing Lehasa finally going to jail. After trying and failing to put him away, it seems that Seargeant Peterson, finally has something on Lehasa. This is something that sergeant Peterson has been wanting ever since he found out that Lehasa is a criminal. With Pretty out of the way, Khwezi believed that she has finally won Lehasa’s heart, unfortunately, Khosi spoiled things for her after he showed her a video of Lehasa and Phomolo talking about Lehasa’s plans to kill her.

According to this week’s teasers, it says that on Monday ‘ the chickens have come home to roost for uncle and nephew’. While this spoiler is not exactly clear, we are believing that Lehasa and his uncle Phomolo will be arrested for planning to kill Khwezi. Khwezi has a video of the two of them talking about the fact that they want to kill her immediately after she gives birth. Lehasa has been planning his revenge for a long time.

The teasers also confirm that Lehasa will be in jail as they also mention that Pretty will be visiting him there. Does this mean that there could be a bit of hope for Prehasa? We have watched Lehasa and Pretty go through it all. Unfortunately, love was not enough as Lehasa continued to not put Pretty first in his life. Pretty got tired and decided to put herself first and finally go back home and finish her studies. It seems like the two will always love each as this week, Pretty visits him to check on him