R.I.P. Vusi Was Sh ot & Passed AwayThis Morning

Pretoria after being shot. There has been another death of an artist at Pretoria’s Outside Majents Social Club, and many residents there have the impression that the neighbourhood is being forced to pay for it, or that they too are being punished for some reason. We really hope that there is not a mafia operating in the region that is attempting to extort millions of Rands from the artists since doing so would be utterly inexcusable.

However, that is something that is also something that is very much possible, but at this moment anything is speculation because the police have not investigated and have not conclusively proven what the issue is that we find ourselves contending with. Consequently, everything is a matter of speculation. The people who make up our society are very concerned about the fact that this is something that is actually occurring because it places them in a very difficult situation in which they really can’t explain or really be able to get away from the criminality and the horror that is brought on by the rampant crime. This has put them in a very difficult situation.

There is no excuse for what has taken place here, and someone was murdered in cold blood, which is something that takes place on a regular basis but needs to be stopped because it has been demonstrated that it is quite terrible for the general public to be exposed to such criminal activities. Members of the general public have always been distressed by the fact that crimes are taking place and justice is not being served.

Because it is completely shocking and unacceptable that the members of our society have to be subjected to such criminal practises where they are being killed without any mercy, which is something that has always posed a significant concern, this is a killing that has been committed after so many killings have been committed in the area, and we are just simply wondering how many more people have to die because of this. This is a killing that has been committed after so many killings have been perpetrated in the area