Sophie Ndaba has been married three times See more

The role of Queen Moroka in Generations catapulted the actress into the public eye. Sophie has made multiple TV appearances, on shows like Yizo Yizo and Soul City among others. Her first spouse, Themba Ndaba, is the father of her children. Themba is most known for his portrayal of Brutus in The Queen. It had been nearly ten years since they tied the knot before they divorced.

Sophie and Bishop Keith Harrington eventually connected. At the lavish wedding, Sophie was attended by her friend and former employee, Connie Ferguson, who played the role of maid of honor. It was reported a few months later that Sophie and Bishop were separating due to marital problems. Reportedly afraid for her safety, Sophie and Bishop broke up after Bishop accused her of seeing other guys. According to rumors, he suffered from feelings of inferiority, and the actress’s worst nightmare was that he would shoot her. They’ve also got a protection order out against them. Many years later, after he had remarried, Bishop said that his previous marriage to the actress hadn’t been a mistake, but the result of dishonesty on his part.

After being fired from Generations, Sophie stepped back into the spotlight by marrying fellow TV star Max Lichaba. The fact that Sophie wasn’t in great shape led everyone to believe that she had finally found a reliable boyfriend. Max didn’t leave her side after she told him she was suffering from a chronic disease that was causing her to lose weight. Eventually, it came out that domestic violence allegations were at the root of the couple’s decision to split up.

Months after her breakup with Max, the actress was linked to a pastor at Bushiri’s Church. To me, it’s cool because it shows that the actress has found happiness again. Being Christians, this might also mean that they plan to tie the knot shortly.