Babes Wodumo kissed someone at the Mampintsha’s funeral, take a look

Topic: Babes wodumo kissed someone at the Mampintsha’s funeral, take a look.

Mampintsha died on Christmas Eve at Durdoc Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal province after he suffered a stroke a week before and today on the 30th of December 2022, he got laid to rest.




Wearing a white flowy outfit and a blonde weave, Babes Wodumo took to the podium flanked by family and industry friends.

Babes wodumo “MaGumede, today I want to take this opportunity and forgive you for everything. Whatever was making us fight must come to end. Can we please put it behind.”

When she went down from podium, the two exchanged kiss as a way of sealing the deal that indeed they leave the past behind them.It happened at Mampintsha’s funeral, on Friday, 30 December.

This Picture speaks a Thousand words Forgivess is the key to healing Retweet if you love This Picture Babes Wodumo and MaGumede.