“She looks like she sells veggies” MamKhize dragged by catfish, Chris Excel

“She looks like she sells veggies” MamKhize dragged by catfish, Chris Excel

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Chris Excel is dedicated to being mean and dragging celebrities every chance he gets.

On the most recent, he zoomed into one of MamKhize’s pictures and wrote the following caption:

Money is completely refusing to bath MamKhize… you’d swear she sell veggies.


His tweet suggests that even though MamKhize is rich, her money is failing to transform her into a more sophisticated looking person.

Comments just highlighted that at least she doesn’t live in a backroom like Chris Excel and that as much as he has a lot of followers, MamKhize could afford to feed him and his followers.

I think that most rich people don’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone, hence the comfortability of going out looking like “veggies” knowing that haters will come for them.


Thank you for reading. Please leave your comments in the comments section below and I’ll engage!

Source: https://twitter.com/ChrisExcel102/status/1573955057430761472?t=5Z4f3Fo_IMZBxSn-MwzVDg&s=19

September 25, 2022.