A Lady Is Left In Tears After Her Mother-In-law Thrown This Words To Her In #Mamazala

A Lady Is Left In Tears After Her Mother-In-law Did This To Her In #Mamazala

Source: Hashtag #Mamazala Twitter page and Dstv MojaLoveTv channel 157 latest episode

Following the airing of the episode of #Mamazala, many people in Mzansi were moved to tears. After realizing that her in-laws are potentially harmful, Mzansi is of the opinion that this woman ought to end the bond she has with her husband’s family and go on with her life.

In this episode of #Mamazala, the mother-in-laws don’t want to accept that their son was abusive to their daughter-in-law, but she has evidence that suggests otherwise. Because of what happened, the lady now suffers from depression despite having otherwise good mental health.




Her family has disowned her ever since her spouse took his own life, and she has no idea why. The lady is wonderful to be around since she is so polite, decent, and composed. She has not expressed any unfavorable opinions towards her husband’s family. Once the in-laws accuse you of murdering their child, there will be no more contact between your family and that one after many times woman are being remi dedicated that there will be no interaction between you and that family.

This woman’s husband has been unfaithful to his wife by having an affair with her cousin, and he even had the nerve to have a child with her while they were still married! The woman’s mother-in-law does not believe what it is that the other person is stating. She claims that because she is the one who gave birth to her son, she has an excessive amount of knowledge about his son.

Even if you raise your son for 25 years, you will never know him as well as his wife does, and this is true regardless of how long you raise him. A man will reveal every aspect of his character to his spouse, and as a result, his parents, friends, and coworkers will be completely unaware of any other concealed sides to his personality.

She claims that she guided him academically and helped him prepare for his matriculation examination. She did not sit down in metres, and her son stood throughout the service for his deceased father.