RIP Crystabel. She died after undergoing surgery to enhance her body

Always bear in mind that you’re not going to change society’s definition of beauty, but you can change your own. Don’t focus on the beauty you see in ads but, instead, to the beauty you see in the real-life people you admire. Define yourself in ways other than how you look. Make your self-esteem contingent on your inner, not outer qualities.




What you see displayed as “beautiful” in ads has got nothing to do with you. Don’t let it pressure you.

It is so sad how ladies want to look in a certain ways nowadays. They are not content with how they look, instead they go for body-enhancement surgeries to enlarge their hips and bums among others. Don’t let your appearance control your life. Treat your body well and stop believing everything you see and read. Just because women with light skins, big bums and hips are celebrated more doesn’t mean you are less beautiful if you are dark-skinned and slim because you are still BEAUTIFUL the way you are!

Going for surgeries has put many people’s lives in danger. Some had to deal with everyday complications after enhancing their bodies. They are fortunate because they are still alive. More and more of them keep losing their lives daily. Today a beautiful lady named Crystabel added to the statistics. She died few days after undergoing surgery to enhance her body. Aesthetic procedure is among one of the factors that contribute to the highest rate of death all around the world.

Crystabel complained about excessive bleed after the surgery. When she went back to the health institution in which she underwent surgery, the doctors assured her that it is normal and it will stop after a week. Now she’s dead!

Women who are very conscious of their body’s appearance are most likely to suffer ill effects on their self-esteem. Practical ways women can rethink their appearance self-esteem include embracing non-traditional standards of beauty. The most effective way to feel good about yourself and your appearance is to find those very emotions of self-criticism and self-hatred and meditate on them.

Hematoma, scarring, blood loss, nerve damage, infection, deep vein thrombosis, seroma are the common complications observed. In some cases, anesthesia complications can also be seen. It is very important for you to know and understand the pros and cons of the surgery.