May Deborah Fraser soul rest in forever lasting peace

Deborah Fraser was a South African gospel singer. She began her career in 1985 as a backing singer, and recorded her own album in 2000, titled Abanye bayombona. The album has sold over 1 million copies. Uhambo is her 10th studio album with 14 songs, including the hit, “Ngeke ngiyeke ukuthandaza”.



This update even managed to make its way up to the headlines of various news sources from the entire internet and various social media platforms concerning this sad news as it is still trending all over the flying news as we speak, by thousands and thousands of comments and posts which have been making rounds through out the entire internet and various social media platforms lately.

People are even alleged to go through out various official pages for more clarity on this update, to avoid being influenced by inconvenient and fake news which might end up costing them a lot unnecessary.

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May your soul rest in forever lasting peace mama Deborah, your spirit will forever stay with us.