Is Mamkhize inlove? Look who she was seen with this afternoon

Fans are not closing their mouths after they seen beautiful pictures of Mamkhize going to watch match. Well today it was a big game for Royal Am against Cape town City. Mamkhize went there to watch game going with all of her friends. Well people after they looked the pictures they felt like it was 2 by 2.

There were wearing the Royal AM tracksuit which was looking to beautiful on both of them. They Also wanted to show that even women can be able to wear this tracksuit and look nice. Mamkhize was looking to beautiful and happy on the photos which got people talking.





Mamkhize is always looking happy with all her friends and making sure that she is having a good time. People always want to know when will Mamkhize start seeing someone but no one know. Well his team played the game so well this afternoon and she will be celebrating with her friends.