Makhadzi’s ex boyfriend describes the kind of woman he wants to marry

Ever since Makhadzi broke up with him, he is always talking about finding a girlfriend if not a woman to marry. It’s hard to believe that such a rich guy, Lwams is single, maybe he is just not dating a wife material. Lwams Nelwamondo is financially stable, he is business wise and that’s what most women are looking for in a man.

He took to Facebook appreciating his mother. He said he’d like God to bless him with a woman like his mother because she is a prayer worrior. That’s the kind of woman he’d like to marry. The fun fact about people of this world is that they expect others to have qualities that they themselves don’t have. You’ll find a man who has never been to church, looking for a prayerful partner to marry. Lucky for Lwams because his mother taught him the power of prayer, so a prayerful women will complement his prayer life.

Many women wish to date him but it seems like he’s not ready for any of them. Hopefully Lwams will find that right woman for him, settle down and stop worrying about loneliness.