Nathi Mthetwa makes the biggest confession about Natasha

Minister Nathi Mthetwa has finally killed the silence and spilled out the beans when he made the biggest confession about actress Natasha Thahane tuition saga.

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The plot take a new twist of the Natasha Thahane’s New York film academy FundingCircle just continues to thicken. The actress tried to clear Mam Baleka Mbhete’s name from the drama only for Minister Nathi Mthetwa to spill the beans. The minister has chaired the truth about all the located fans and everything you need to know.

Photo: Instagram @natashaThahane

The media has reported that the minister has confirmed that Natasha Thahane contacted him directly to request the R1 million towards her tuition at the New York film academy in 2017.

Photo: Instagram

The Minister said that he is unsure as to how Baleka Mbete was involved in the matter or what role she played in ensuring that the request was approved. Recently Natasha when Andre caught trying to take back what she said about Baleka Mbete helping her secure the funds but twitter is not having it with her.