Mac G could be cancelled for his actions. Amanda lawyers ready for battle.

As the onslaught on MacG,s podcast and chill continues, different views on what his fate should be are a common feature on tweeter these days. Manda Du Pont herself wants Mac G to be held accountable for not doing anything when Jub Jub spoke that way about her on his show.



As expected, tweeter is torn about the issue, others say Mac G has nothing to do with what Jub Jub chooses to say in an interview, others say, Mac G should be held to law about it. The question then becomes, what law Mac G broke by interviewing Jub Jub. What law did Mac G break by not stopping Jub Jub from speaking the way he did?

This week has been a battle of law firms representing Mac G and Amanda regarding his role in the matter. Amanda argues that the use of words like “smashed”, worsened by laughter from MacG, demeaned and degraded her in particular and women more generally. If he was anti-GBV, she argues, he’d neither want to silence her story nor keep that triggering video online. MacGs lawyers on one hand say, he should not be held accountable for the actions of his guest and that he is merely a broadcaster who is acting within his rights as a broadcaster.