Coming Up Next On #etvSmokeAndMirrors 18 : 22 March 2024

Coming Up Next On #etvSmokeAndMirrors
Monday 18 March 2024
Episode 241
In a haze of alcohol, Sakhile knocks down Fanyana. Mthetho hits a wall in his relentless pursuit of the truth about Thandiswa.


Tuesday 19 March 2024
Episode 242
Mandla and Lulu are distraught when they hear that Fanyana has been the victim of a hit-and-run. Everyone at the hotel and the depot is shocked, and hope the driver is caught. Sakhile is wracked with guilt.
Wednesday 20 March 2024
Episode 243
Sakhile witnesses a heartbreaking moment as Fanyana’s health deteriorates, while Lulu directs her anger at Mandla for Fanyana’s situation.
Thursday 21 March 2024
Episode 244
After Fanyana has the seizure, Mandla kicks Sakhile out of the hospital room. Mandla believes Sakhile is happy he could lose his son.
Friday 22 March 2024
Episode 245
Mpendulo is horrified after sleeping with Virginia, but comes back for more, having had a conversation with Martha.