Here’s what Connie Ferguson posted a day before her husband’s

There’s nothing painful like seeing someone you love lying on a hospital bed helplessly in pain, but with the hope that they will one day get better and get out of that bed and walk out of that hospital then come home, but things decide to go sideways and you lose that person. One thing about the pain of losing someone in your life is that you can never get used to it, no matter how many times you experience it.






I guess Connie Ferguson can testify to that, a week her husband was admitted into a hospital she shared the people she lost in her life, she posted her mother explaining how much she misses her and how when she died she was scared how they will cope without her, she then posted her brother’s picture on his birthday also explaining how much she loves and misses him.

Connie was not ready to lose her husband, no one can never be ready to lose their loved ones, and judging from her post she was probably scared that she might lose her husband Shona Ferguson who passed away on the 30 July 2021, at Milpark private Hospital due to covid complications.

It’s in time like this where we need to fix our eyes to the Lord during this tough time, a day before Connie’s husband passing she shared a post with a prayer quote, though she didn’t say much (she just caption PSALM 27:1vs 1-3) when you read that quote you can see that fear was starting to creep in. After losing all those people in her life she had to be scared because this is not easy at all, again when she probably thought about all those people who died of covid in the entertainment industry she was probably asking herself if her husband will recover and come back home.

As we know that when you’re going through something difficult the enemy has a way of making you thinking and believing that you will not win this battle, and that’s when fear will start to come into your heart. It’s normal to have fear but we always have to remember to pray when we start having fear. AS THE WORD OF GOD IN THE BOOK OF Timothy 2 1:7 says FOR GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF POWER LOVE, SELF-CONTROL.