Moses Tembe not commenting on AKA arrests until after her daughter, Anele’s inquest

The father of late Anele Tembe, Moses has nothing to say after the arrests of seven suspects linked to rapper Kiernan “AKA” Forbes’ .

Over a year later, on 27 February, the South African Police Services (SAPS) revealed that six suspects were arrested in connection with the alleged hit. Two of them were hiding in Eswatini, while another (who had escaped) was arrested on Wednesday, bring the total up to seven suspects.




Following the reports, Tembe – who is a well-known businessman – refused to comment on the arrests, referring all questions to family spokesperson, Manqoba Zulu.

Speaking to a local publication, Zulu said that Tembe will not be available until after the inquest into his daughter’s death has been completed.

Anele – popularly known as “Nelli” – fell to her death from the 10th floor of the Pepperclub Hotel on Loop Street in Cape Town on 11 April 2021.

At the time, the 22-year-old was at the hotel with AKA. By his own admission, they had had a fight before her tragic death.

After extensive investigations, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) ruled Anele’s death a suicide. However, her family refutes these findings.

In June 2022, the Tembe family responded to the NPA with a scathing letter in which they accused the 35-year-old hip-hop artist of killing their daughter.

In the letter, the family spoke of “scratch marks on AKA’s body, specifically at the back,” which they referred to as “defensive marks”. The Tembes said they believed that the marks were in an upward direction because AKA was carrying Anele on his shoulders while she attempted to defend herself.

Anele’s family also claimed that their daughter did not climb over the balcony, as initially suggested, because there were no fingerprints to prove it.

In addition, the Tembes claimed that AKA allegedly cleaned up the hotel room — which was covered in blood — and only called reception to require assistance with their altercation after Anele had already fallen.

The letter read: “He did not attend to his injured fiancé, who remained alive for approximately 20 minutes. He did not go to perform CPR on her; instead, Stefanutto, a complete stranger, cared enough to administer CPR and call emergency services in an attempt to save Anele Tembe’s life”.

Speaking to The South African, Western Cape police spokesperson Captain Frederick Van Wyk stated that the NPA opened a formal inquest into the circumstances surrounding the death of Anele.

“Please be advised the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Anele Tembe was never closed and is still an active investigation. The matter is scheduled for a formal inquest at the Cape Town magistrate’s court from 15 April.

“The investigation has been completed. The family of Anele Tembe has been updated constantly of the progress made in the case. To date the investigating officer remains in contact with the family.”

Various conspiracies have been made by fans since AKA’s murder, including claims that Anele’s father was behind the elaborate assassination plot.