Solo and Dineo Langa on how answering their callings strengthened their union

South African power couple Dineo and Solo Langa recently graced the airwaves on My Top 10 at 10 with Tbose, where they delved into their love story, focusing particularly on the spiritual dimension of their union.

Solo shared that he had always been aware of his spiritual calling, but it wasn’t until he met Dineo that he truly understood its significance.


“Dineo started to feel these moments of this gift working. She was feeling all these pressures, and I wasn’t until I realised that my pressure point was her. What hurt me at the time was seeing her hurt,” he expressed. “It was understood that we are so intertwined, and if you are not doing anything about it, you’ll wake up every day and watch it hurt you.”

Solo emphasized that his spiritual calling always emanated from a place of love. “It’s your lineage urging you to pay attention,” he added.

Dineo discovered her calling later on in life. “Me discovering the journey for myself at a very later stage was very jarring for me. It came at me at 250 km per second. This is everything—senses, everything, when you get to sleep, everything. I had broken down so badly until I reached the decision, ‘I am just doing it,” shared the actress.

Throughout this period, the couple refrained from displaying affection, a sacrifice that, according to Dineo, deepened their spiritual

connection. “It not only strengthened our bond spiritually but also aligned our ideals,” she remarked.