Cutie! Kelly Khumalo posts rare pic of baby girl

After months of keeping her face hidden, Kelly Khumalo has shared a look at her lastborn, a baby girl. According to Zimoja, the singer welcomed her third child with former Kaizer Chiefs player Mthokozisi Yende last April.

Kelly has two other children: son Christian with singer Jub Jub and daughter Thingo with the late soccer star Senzo Meyiwa.



On her Instagram Stories, Kelly Khumalo shared a pic of her baby. The little girl – who will turn one in April – was seen playing with pots and pans.

“Driving us crazy already,” the mom of three affectionately shared.

Kelly last shared a pic of the baby girl during Christmas last year. If her posts are anything to go by, she does not have a relationship with the baby’s father, allegedly Mthokozisi Yende.

Months earlier, Kelly hinted that all may not be well in the relationship department after posting a cryptic quote on her IG Stories.

It read: “Congratulations to those who found partners with pure intentions.

“That s*** is rare.”

In another Instagram post, Kelly Khumalo shared a hint of her baby girl’s name.

In it, Kelly thanked her eldest daughter for being a great helper. She also revealed the name of her baby girl.

She shared: “She’s convinced I’m her best friend, and so do. She’s the first person to knock at my door every morning……not to mention when it’s bath time for Baby Luna”.