South African media personality Katlego Maboe spent months away from the spotlight recovering from the backlash brought along by his cheating confessions. When he finally returned online and started getting booked again, he was once again trending after his ex Monique Muller accused him ofnot fulfilling his financial obligations to their son.
While he has ignored most of the murmurs, gossip blogger Musa Khawula decided to remind him once again of his responsibilities after he tweeted about the new year.
Musa Khawula is notorious for bashing celebrities and sharing all of the latest and most scandalous gossip.
This time, he aimed his flaming guns at Katlego Maboe who is infamous for cheating on his then-girlfriend Monique Muller and also for allegedly failing to meet his financial obligations to their son.
Katlego Maboe
Katlego Maboe and Monique Muller. Images via Instagram @katlegomaboe/ @moniquemullerofficial
It all started when Katlego asked his followers what they would like from the year 2024.
Responding to this tweet, Musa told Katlego that he would like him to stop gaslighting his ex and start paying up.
“For you to stop gaslighting your baby mama Monique Muller and financially support your son,” he wrote.