Rasta has done it again! Artist shares Zahara tribute portraits

Ahead of Zahara’s funeral service, South African “funeral artist” Lebani “Rasta” Sirenje has done it again. By “it” we mean painting a portrait of a late public figure but, unfortunately, not quite nailing the key features of his subject.


If there’s one thing you can be certain of in South Africa, it’s death, taxes and Rasta painting a public figure after said death. The painter has made a name for himself for not only painting late stars, but almost always getting it wrong. The running joke has continued to the end of 2023 as Rasta has now attempted to paint the late singer Zahara.

As mourners gathered for Zahara’s funeral, one person who made sure he was in attendance was Rasta. The artist quickly set up shop and got straight to work as he attempted to pay tribute to Zahara with several heartfelt portraits.

Unfortunately for fans of Zahara, Rasta did not quite get it right. Rasta’s painting was so inaccurate that some on social media don’t even believe it was her her! A post of Rasta’s latest work went viral on X for all the wrong reasons: