Lamiez Holworthy opens up about the struggles of being a working

Woke up missing my bump. I, however, don’t like that I’m still struggling with some of the not so nice changes that came with pregnancy. Mainly? The hyperpigmentation — my neck, under my arms and inner thighs are still so much darker than the rest of my body.”

In her mentions other mommies shared their experiences and assured the first-time mom that it takes time to bounce back.





”It takes 36 months to fully recover from a pregnancy. You are gorgeous, momma,” replied one.

”I can relate. A year later still find it hard to recognise myself in the mirror because of the physical and emotional changes. However, I look at my lil’ one and realise I went through/still going through this phase because of my God-given super power to bring life to this earth,” said another.Reflecting on going back to work after giving birth, Lamiez said she was juggling a lot but the love and support she has received have helped.

“First week fully back at work and I can’t explain all the emotions I’ve gone through — from the little mommy guilt that comes with leaving your little one behind to the hunger that comes with wanting to go extra harder just for him. Then there’s your body having to adapt or learn to push through the crazy hours all over again and still give every gig your all. I then look at all the love I’ve received at each and every one and it makes it all a little easier,” she wrote.