Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) leader, Julius Malema celebrated his son, Ratanang, on his birthday — the politician decided to write an open letter dedicated to his teenager as seen in an Instagram post on Saturday, 14 October.
Julius Malema is happily married to his stunning wife, Mantwa Matlala. And, the couple have two sons together. Julius, on the other hand, has an older child, Ratanang, whom he got from his previous relationship with Maropeng Ramohlale. Ratanang turned one year older on Saturday and his father, the EFF leader had a few words for him.
“Happy birthday, Malema tšhipi ya bo kgalaka. You are the shining star of our family, and I am very proud to call you my own. The journey of fatherhood has been truly exciting with you. You have brought a sense of purpose into my life when hope escaped me,” Julius wrote.“I looked at you and my grandmother in your eyes and made a commitment never to fail you. I have tried everything in my power to be a good father, and
I’m happy you came out just fine. Remember, you should never seek validation from others but always strive to be on the right side of history,” the EFF leader’s letter read.MORE OF THE EFF’S PRESIDENT’S LETTER TO HIS SON
Ratanang Malema is in grade 11 and enjoys DJing. He has two step bothers Kopano and Munzhedzi from his father’s current marriage. Julius proved to be the best dad in his open letter to his firstborn.
“As you continue to grow, always maintain your humility and treat all of humanity with respect. However, never allow anyone, regardless of their age or status, to take advantage of you. Work diligently and intelligently to avoid relying on handouts, for it is through hard work and wise choices that true wealth is attained. Remember the saying, “Bashavi Ke batho ba tšhelete”, Julius penned.
“On this special day, my sunshine, I wish you a joyous celebration. May your birthday be filled with laughter, love, and memorable moments,” the letter concluded.