Jubjub turned his back on Titus who needed his help about his cheating wife

Life often presents us with challenging situations, where choosing the right course of action can be far from straightforward. Such was the case when Jubjub made the difficult decision to turn his back on Titus, who sought help with his marital troubles. However, as the story unfolded, it became apparent that Titus had a darker side, which ultimately led to the demise of his marriage.


Jubjub and Titus had been friends for years, sharing laughter, joys, and the occasional sorrows. When Titus confided in Jubjub about his wife’s infidelity, Jubjub initially offered his support and a listening ear. However, as he delved deeper into Titus’s troubles, he began to sense that there was more to the story than met the eye.

It soon became evident that Titus’s relationship had been plagued not only by infidelity but also by emotional and, at times, physical abuse. Titus’s wife had left him, not just because of her affair, but to escape a toxic and dangerous situation. As the truth emerged, Jubjub faced a moral dilemma.

On one hand, Jubjub felt compelled to help a friend in need, as they had been through thick and thin together. On the other hand, he recognized the gravity of Titus’s abusive behavior and the danger it posed not only to his wife but potentially to others as well. Jubjub found himself at a crossroads, torn between loyalty to his friend and the ethical responsibility to take a stand against abuse.

In the end, Jubjub made the painful decision to distance himself from Titus. He could not condone or support a friend who had engaged in abusive behavior.