‘A big hole in my chest’: Lynn Forbes grieves AKA

AKA was fatally shot on Florida Road along with his long-term friend Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane six months ago. Lynn has been documenting her grief on her feed and keeping the rapper’s name alive as his murderer has not been captured.

In a heartfelt post, Lynn explained that she felt as though she had a big hole in her heart and said the pain of losing her son will never go away.



“I’ve always believed that my heart was big and spacious with many rooms, to accommodate many people. These days I often feel like where my heart used to be there is just a big hole in my chest, without space even for myself,” she wrote.”

“Grief is not something you get over, it never ends. You just learn to live with it and grow around it. And in the moments when it feels like the band-aid is being ripped off the healing wound, you start all over again … until the next time and the next time and the next time,” Lynn added.

Lynn Forbes
AKA died on 10 February 2023 in Durban. Image via Instagram @akaworldwide
Fortunately for her, Lynn has surrounded herself with a strong support system. She shared that they just know how to be there for her during this difficult time.
I’m ok with not being ok, not being a strong woman, and ok leaning on those who allow me to grieve on my own terms, while holding my hand and quietly walking beside me as I find my way,” Lynn said.

“I accept that grief is an element of who I am now, that it has altered my entire being forever, and that I don’t have to get to the other side of it. It is what it is,” she added..

In the meantime, Lynn has launched a podcast called the Outspoken Owls. It aims to reframe what it means to navigate life as a middle-aged woman, TshisaLIVE reported.