‘This is my sister! Andile Ncube’s sister debut

Well-known radio personality, Andile Ncube, introduced his sister Buhle Kefilwe Shirilele to his followers on social media and celebrate their special sibling bond.




In an emotional post that tugged at the heartstrings of his followers, Andile shared some precious family memories reports FakazaNews. He began by recounting the moment when his world changed forever. ‘When my mom brought her home as a 3-day-old, she put her in my hands and said, ‘Meet your baby sister.’Andile wrote.

It was a moment of pure magic, as he gazed down at the most perfect little girl he had ever seen. But what made this introduction even more remarkable was Andile’s choice of words. He affectionately referred to his sister as ‘uSisi wena,’ using the Zulu word for sister.
You see, up until that point, Andile had only known the joys of having a brother in the form of @papa.ghost. But he had always cherished the dream of having a sister, and in that moment, his dream came true. Andile couldn’t help but gush about his sister, referring to her as his ‘little love.’

Andile Ncube’s sister, Buhle, posing for photographs on a staircase. Image: Instagram via @andilencube
Andile Ncube’s sister, Buhle, posing for photographs on a staircase. Image: Instagram via @andilencube
He even took a moment to shout out to her with affection, saying, ‘Love you always Funkies @frekface, my billboard supermodel Superstar.’ It’s clear that Andile is not only a loving brother but also an immensely proud one.

And so, with a heart full of love and a proud proclamation of their shared biology, Andile Ncube introduced his sister, Buhle Kefilwe Shirilele, to the world. This heartwarming tale reminds us that amidst the glitz and glam of celebrity life, the bonds of the family remain the most precious of all.