Generations: Lucy Is Not Willing To Throw In The Towel Just Yet

Lucy found drugs in Buhle’s bag and thought that Buhle was a drug addict. She followed her around and saw that she spent most of her time in the hospital. Lucy wanted to know what was happening, so she looked at Buhle’s medical file and discovered that she had a tumor.


She decided to confront Buhle about her condition. Buhle told Lucy that she shouldn’t have invaded her privacy. Lucy assured Buhle that she did not judge her and wanted to support her. Buhle then shared everything about her condition, revealing that she only had a few months left to live. Lucy was shattered.

She urged Buhle to tell Mrekza and Themba about what was happening, but Buhle said she wasn’t ready to do so. Lucy reassured Buhle that she would talk to her friend, who happened to be a doctor. Lucy called Luyolo and informed him about Buhle’s situation.