Generations: Mrekza And Cosmo Bombard A Confused Teen With Conflicting Advice

It was in the afternoon when Cosmo was teaching Themba about English sonnets. Themba was not listening to Cosmo, and Mrekza noticed that. Cosmo asked Themba what was wrong. Mrekza said that Themba might be thinking of a girl, and Themba smiled.


Mrekza sat down because he wanted to know more. Cosmo asked Themba if the girl knew that he liked her. Themba said that girls are confusing. Mrekza told him not to worry because he would help him. Mrekza told Themba that if he wants a girl, then he should not be too pushy. He told him that he must act like he does not care. Themba thanked them for their advice and went to talk to Mbali.

He bought her a chocolate and gave it to her. Mbali thanked him and told him that she loves chocolate. When Mbali thanked him, he told her that he does not care whether she likes the chocolate or not. Mbali was confused by the things that Themba was saying to her.