Drugs and Alcohol will be the end of this generation. It’s painful that every episode of Uyaphuza we continue to see our brothers and sisters struggling to come clean of drugs that are destroying their life. Every Sunday, we have seen Nomsa Buthelezi-Shezi helping vulnerable people who are going through challenges of drugs. Nomsa Buthelezi Shezi cannot help everyone, but she helps raise who need to be help to come out of this drug’s substance.
The person being helped today have been on drugs for over 12 years and was physically abused by her boyfriend, which led her to having a miscarriage. The painful is thing women love abusive guys, they will tell you straight that you’re soft and nice, they don’t want you they want real man.
In #Uyaphuza, we hear the story of Liezel how she started using and after 12 years she wanted to quit. The story of this lady was painfully. She even gained some weight and looks a lot healthy, we need to appreciate Tranquillity Clinic more.
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