“Zandie Doesn’t Sound Like She Is Lying” – Ntsiki Mazwi Tweets

The Cro-examination of the state’s first witness, Zandile Khumalo continues in the Pretoria High Court. Yesterday Khumalo was accused of contradicting the statements she gave police.


The former Bafana Bafana captain was in a relationship with Kelly when he was shot in what’s believed to be a botched robbery at the Khumalo home in Voslorus in 2014.

Ntsiki Mazwai took to her Twitter account to post her opinion. She tweeted, “You know what is confusing? Zandie doesn’t sound like she is lying… At all.”


“I think the translation from English to IsiZulu hinders the work of the defense somehow. If the cross examination was between the defense and the witness only, noting the objections from the state there would be real emotions. I note the importance of the interpretation.”

“I picked it up as well. She is straight with her answers.”

“I am also confused because she also sounds like she is lying! It has to be her confidence!”