Meiki Told Thabo That John And She Were Worn Out On His Way Of Behaving

John heard Thabo chatting with Jill in the first part of the day. John let Thabo know that they expected to talk when he returned from work. During the day, Meiki let John know that they expected to converse with Thabo about his way of behaving.




Thabo brought Pitsi and Ntswaki from school. At the point when they returned home, Meiki let Thabo know that he ought to plunk down since she needed to converse with him. Thabo plunked down and advised Ntswaki to take Pitsi to the room. Ntswaki and Pitsi went to the room.

They let him know that his way of behaving was not right and that he ought to transform it. Thabo rejected and let them know that he was sorry for being a weight to them. He let them know that he was returning to Singapore and he would likewise take his child with him. They were shocked. He let them know that he would have rather not deserted his child the manner in which his mom did.

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