Meet The First Lady On Manyonyoba Who Became The First Unapologetic Person To Defeat Bishop Moloi

Moja Love has shows which aims into helping people in literally every aspect of life, be it drinking problems, if you have a problem with someone who lives next to you, someone is refusing to give you your belongings and they also have X-Repo who would assist you for as long as you have the papers and the receipts to prove that you are indeed the rightful owner of the property, however, they have recently introduced a new show called Manyonyoba where they go all out to expose those old people who , they have been exposing a lot of men ever since the show started and most of them were men, but this time around, they targeted a lady who says she is 40 years old and she stole the show as she literally put Bishop Moloi on his place.





On the most recently aired episode, Bishop and his crew set-up their cameras and recording devices , they planned to meet at a private place and when the day came, the crew was ready but things did not really go as they usually do, the lady was unapologetic and never showed any remorse for being caught in that compromising position.

When she was ambushed by the camera crew and Bishop Jullius Moloi, the Xhosa lady who’s name was not mentioned in the show was so relaxed and she had answers for every question Moloi asked, she was actually happy to be on national TV saying this is going to be good publicity for her, she refused that she went to the hotel with intentions

“I met this boy and he asked for my numbers and I gave him, I don’t know his age but I told him is young and I am not going to do it. I am a good citizen and I told this boy that you can’t do anything for me.

When she was told to ask for forgiveness, she blatantly refused and during that moment, she even told Bishop that she is a Xhosa lady and he should not speak SeSotho when talking to her.