Even though Xolani and his crew are still under investigation, “Sizokthola” still aired last night

I have to say that it is great that they decided to continue with the show. Even though Xolani and his crew are still under investigation, the show carries on. I even doubt if they will ever be found guilty because everyone in South Africa believes that Xolani and his crew are innocent. The show continued to air on MojaLoveTv last night, and everyone was happy to watch Xolani making a difference as always.


Xolani shows dedication to his work, and it really pays off. If they cancel this show, then Sundays will never be the same because everyone always looks forward to this show to see which people are being exposed as drug dealers.

MojaLoveTv should be thanked for bringing this type of show that makes a significant difference in people’s lives. More lives were saved again by Xolani and his hardworking crew.