Generations: Themba Is Fast Becoming Too Comfortable At The Diales

Mrekza found out that Themba is his son, and then he decided that he would spend most of his time with him in order to develop a bond. Buhle allowed Themba to spend the weekend at Mrekza’s house.


Themba played video games for the entire weekend and did not go out. Mrekza was concerned about him spending too much time playing games online. He told Lucy that they needed to help him change how he spent his time because he was still young.

Mrekza told Buhle that he wanted to pick up Themba from school after school. Buhle did not have a problem with Mrekza’s idea. Mrekza picked up Themba from school and took him to his house.

When Themba arrived, he did not want to do his homework. All he wanted to do was play the video game. He put his bag on the floor in the kitchen and went straight to the lounge to play the video game.