Generations: Paul Tried To Talk His Father But Kabisi ٍ See more

Paul found Kabisi with Nkaba, and he got curious. Kabisi told Nkaba that they should go and talk in the study room. As they went there to talk in private, Paul followed them.


Nkaba gave Kabisi a paper that had phone numbers written on it. He told Kabisi that he should call that number, and they will help him deal with his issue. Kabisi told Nkaba that he does not want anything leading back to him.

Nkaba told Kabisi to relax and assured him that nothing will lead back to him. Paul was eavesdropping. In the morning, Paul told Kabisi that he should not go through with his plan. Kabisi asked him what he was talking about.

Paul told him that he was listening to his conversation with Nkaba the previous day, and he does not like his plan. Kabisi told him that his plan does not concern him. Paul told Kabisi that he should not kill Abby because he will not have peace, and it will not be good for his health. Kabisi did not want to listen to him.