Kairo Forbes has bagged an endorsement worth R150k from Emirates

Kairo Forbes, who is the daughter of Kiernan AKA and DJ Zinhle, is already part of business pictures at the age of 8, and an endorsement deal with Emirates was signed with her name, which amounts to R150K. Before her father was killed in January 2023 in Durban, she had a social media account (on Instagram), and she had a lot of followers. Surely the account is not being managed by Kairo at the moment, and she can only take control of it when she is older and can handle it better. But what had been amazing to us was her having a great life, especially after losing her father, who had left great music behind.



On Nedbank ad:

It is amazing how life opportunities may come to someone at an earlier age before even they complete primary level of education. Now that people are aware of the great opportunities given to children, hopefully they are able to negotiate good deals before signing the contract. It would turn out to be bad if it was realized later that the deal was not fair when it came to their attention. A lot of people are being robbed, and even though the information is being shared on social media, you may not know what will happen in that boardroom. MacG has talked about how it may be intimidating to be in a boardroom on his podcast.

“Kairo has secured an advert with one of the country’s big banks, Nedbank. Chow Town is Nedbank’s initiative and the new Roblox game is set to help kids play, learn and earn. In the ad, Young Kairo says she is at the age where she feels like a real boss. Can you blame me? Mom’s easing up on the rules a little bit. She even lets me make my own snacks, now and then. I get to choose my own clothes. Plus, she even lets me customize my own room with my favourite [things]. Ja, ja, I know she is the boss of the house, but I will show her who is the boss of Chow Town. More money for me.”