Winnie Mashaba, a gospel singer from South Africa, has become a viral sensation when photos of her in ‘All Star’ trainers went viral. The singer/songwriter recently posted to her Facebook that she has been wearing “All Star” to many of her performances because it makes her feel confident and secure.
I’ve been wearing @Converse on stage for years,” the post reads. She gushed about how comfortable the shoes were.
Winnie Mashaba is a Converse-sponsored musician. Similar to Converse brand ambassador Unathi, we have seen numerous celebrities representing the company. Unathi, a popular radio DJ, has been spotted marketing the product on her social media pages and posting selfies wearing it. She detailed the several pairs of trainers she owns and their newest acquisitions in one post.
Have you seen these photos of Winnie Mashaba, the gospel singer? I was wondering what you thought of the shoes. For updates, like and follow our page.