Babes Wodumo Finally Breaks the Silence About Mampintsha’s Death

Another high-profile death has rocked South Africa just as the country was beginning to recover from a year marred by violence and natural disasters. After hearing of the death of artist Mandla Maphumulo, often known as Mampintsha, tributes poured in from all around the country. After being hospitalised for a stroke a few days ago.







We were all aware of his sickness, but nobody wanted to believe he would actually die, especially when he still had so much potential. Although Mampintsha and Wodumo, one of South Africa’s most famous babes, were far from faultless, theirs was a powerful love that saw them through many trials and tribulations. The news of his passing prompted immediate memories of Babes Wodumo. It’s possible that she’s relapsing into drug use after recently beating her addiction. It’s not simple to load up a lover.

Finally, after everything that had happened, Babes Wodumo spoke out about the passing of her husband. She posted a heartbreaking Facebook message in which she expressed her grief over her father’s death and asked, “God, why me?” Many individuals were moved by her speech. A lot of people have been offering their condolences to her, hoping that it will soothe her mind. She wrote a heartbreaking note in another post. Below is a picture:

Nothing hurts more than planning a happy future with someone, only to have that someone disappear, leaving you to figure out how to get by without them. Babe Wodumo must be in a lot of pain; may God give her the fortitude she needs to get through this trying period. The family and friends of the deceased are in my prayers, as is his soul.