Mr Langa has moved on from Melita to another young lady

Mr Langa made it clear to Melita that he didn’t like most of the things about her. Mr Langa told Melita to stop making contact with him. He has quickly moved on to another young lady who is in her early 20s. Mr Langa looks happy and ready to take on the dating game to another level. Mr Langa took took his new girlfriend to the restaurant and enjoyed their meet together while having drinks. The young lady does not seem to know Mr Langa very well because she is definitely after his money as well.


Melita walked in and saw them very happy. Melita was heartbroken but she pretends like she doesn’t see them. Mr Langa does not keep the same women for a long time. He keeps on changing them as soon as he gets bored. Melita thought that she will be with him forever but it ended very quickly. Melita should not be angry with Mr Langa because he plays with women, and another thing is that Melita can still run to Mr Kgomo because he has been waiting for her. Melita should not fight the young girl because she will be played just like her.

Mr Langa cannot live without women, I guess he will never change. Melita is now embarrassed since she was the one who used to enjoy these moments with Mr Langa. I think someone needs to give Mr Langa a lesson to stop dating young women and promising them the world.