Viewers Find Themselves Touched In The Role Of Mr Kgomo In #SkeemSaam

Mr Langa has really played Melita. Melita has already resigned at the Hospital, and Mr Langa is not giving her anything solid about the job he has offered her. Melita told Mr Kgomo that she’s done with him and his hospital, with men who can’t spoil a woman. Mr Kgomo he really does love and care about Melita. Followers of SkeemSaam think she is going to regret herself soon with this whole Mr Langa thing.

Mr Langa have asked to go with Melita to the hotel. Apparently, Mr Langa is planning to sleep with Melita and then dump her afterwards. Many people have been waiting to see Melita’s downfall when Mr Langa dumped her and Mr Kgomo say “I told you”.

Viewers believes that Mr Kgomuowill keep the resignation letter a secret to assist Melita when Langa dumps her wig. He aims to protect Melita with everything he can.



Next Week Updates
Monday 10 April 2023
Episode 201
A former Turf hospital employee and beauty queen gets a harsh slap which will bring her to the reality, and it stings.

Wednesday 12 April 2023
Episode 203
Mr Kgomo will take his family out to Capsy, and he will be inviting his mistress in.