Musa Mseleku is married to 4 beautiful wives, see photos

Musa Mseleku is one of the most divisive public figures in South Africa. Polygamy is one of his well-known traits. His four wives, we’re told, are all well taken care of.

He entered this world in 1975, in the town of Mzumbe, KwaZulu Natal. He is a wealthy polygamist in South Africa. He supposedly has at least $2 million, despite his humble origins.





Musa was recently seen on the popular Thursday night Mzansi Magic reality show Polygamy. Uthando Nesthembu, his talk show, was seen by millions. He has several kids with his four wives. Marriage seems to come naturally to Musa, while in my experience many men have difficulty keeping a woman happy even after several marriages.

The good news is that it appears the women are pleased with Musa. Many women have difficulty committing to a damaged man who is essentially a polygamist.

It appears that Musa can take care of his household on his own. He has also been rumored to be the car buyer for the couple. Musa Msekeluku allegedly constructed a separate mansion for his wives.