Trevor Noah’s Daily Salary Can Buy A Big House. See more

Trevor Noah is a South African who is well recognized outside of his native country. He began his career as a stand-up comedian in his hometown, but it progressed to the point where he is now the host of the daily show, a popular American program.


Because of his success, people often wonder how much Trevor makes each day, each week, and each month. To answer that question, has provided the following figures. Sometimes, where and for whom you work matters more than how hard you work.

Trevor Noah’s annual budget as of right now is R391 891 671. Even the president of South Africa does not have access to this amount of money annually. This suggests that he earns a significant monthly salary of about R32 657 639, which is indicated to be the case.

Trevor Noah makes an astonishing R7 536 378,29, if we continue to break down the earnings each week. Only the annual salary of numerous employees of huge firms may equal this sum. As a result, Trevor makes a stunning R1 507 275 every day. Imagine having to earn more than $1,000,000 each and every day. We should be glad for him for being able to work so hard to obtain what he has so far because that is a sizable chunk of money.