Euphonik Spent For Breakfast In Miami Which Left People Indisbelief.

DJ Euphonik disclosed that he spent R700 on his breakfast while traveling.

The dance music producer shared a receipt from brunch at a prestigious Miami restaurant while he was there.




Others in South Africa concurred that the rand is currently underperforming the dollar and said that moving to the US at this time is not an option. Euphonik shared on his timeline that he paid a staggering R700 for breakfast in Miami, US, on Monday. Even the restaurant’s costly receipt was uploaded online by the world-traveling DJ as evidence.

The dance music producer cautioned anybody considering leaving Mzansi to consider how expensive it is to live abroad on Twitter.

Others, including South Africans living in Miami, commented on the former 5FM host’s tweet and offered their opinions. The rand is now too weak, many people agreed.