Justice Makes Mzansi Angry After He Says He Married Lindiwe For Opportunities

Do you have any fond memories of Lindiwe and Justice from the sitcom Lovey Dovey? MojaLoveTV has provided us with the continuation of “Lovey Dovey Until When,” in which we find out what happened to them following the conclusion of the previous episode. MojaLoveTV is providing us with the most recent information regarding what took place after the show between the final four competitors. We are already in the second episodes of “Lovey Dovey Until When,” and already fans and watchers of the show are upset since they had anticipated seeing Lindiwe and Justice living happily married after the conclusion of the show.



We are disappointed to report that the couple’s relationship is not as strong as we had hoped for them to be at this point in time. The couple has gone through the legal process of getting married and are now considered to be husband and wife; nevertheless, they do not intend to remain together. Both of them have stated that they are still seeing one another in order to better get to know one another. A significant number of people who watch the show are concerned about Lindiwe. Lindiwe was under the impression that she had discovered real love and a potential husband on Justice, but in reality, he was simply interested in the financial benefits.

On the first night of his and his wife’s honeymoon, Justice decided to spend the evening out with several guys for drinks, and he did not return. The fact that Lindiwe has invested so much time and effort into their connection to the point that she even offered money in one of the episodes is upsetting and distressing. Following the viewing of this episode, it is very evident that Lindiwe is the one who is the most desperate for this relationship.