Natasha Thahane last post for her fans show child loves

Children are special beings that will surprise you to the core. It is queit fascinating how they learn things and know them. Their level of understanding always leaves us in awe. As they grow up it is even worse because their curiosity goes up.

Children are allowed to start eating solid foods at six months. That’s when parents to experience their faces as they choose their favorite foods. Actress and brand ambassador Natasha Thahane is a first time mother. She seems to be handing the role very well. She hasn’t shared anything related to her child, even a name.

It seems today we are lucky as she shared a video of him eating. She only shows the hand and the chin. From the video it is clear to say that the little enjoyed the meal, which happens to be his favorite after all. They grow up fast and Natasha’s child is already eating solids now.