People Spotted At AKA’s Memorial Service That Talking about,

The Illuminati is a secret society that has been the subject of many conspiracy theories over the years. Some believe that the Illuminati controls the world’s major governments and corporations, while others believe that society is responsible for major historical events.

However, there is little concrete evidence to support these claims, and the existence of the Illuminati remains a matter of debate.






In recent years, rumours have circulated that the Illuminati has a presence in South Africa, particularly in the country’s entertainment industry.

These rumours have been fueled by the sudden rise to fame of certain South African celebrities, as well as the appearance of certain symbols and gestures in their music videos and public appearances.

One of the most notable incidents that have been linked to the Illuminati in South Africa is the recent shooting of popular rapper AKA. The 35-year-old was shot and killed outside a popular night spot in Durban on February 10th.

His long-time friend and former manager, Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane (41), was killed in the same shooting. Both deceased have been laid to rest in private funeral ceremonies.