Should People Mourn Their Baby Daddies/Mamas or Ex?

The last couple of day of this week has been the dark days for all those who loved and followed Kiernan Forbers’ music following his death after he was shot and killed in Durban last Saturday.

The rapper who was loved by many found himself assassinated after he just left one of the restaurants in the KwaZulu-Natal Province and the CCTV footage shows the killer patiently waiting for him across the street only to pounce just a few moments after he went out of the establishment where he was enjoying himself together with some of his friends.

There has been a lot of talks surrounding his death with people pointing fingers at different people for many different reasons, ever since the video footage was released, there has been speculations and till this day, no one has been arrested and it remains to be seen as to who it is that the South African Police Services are looking for in order to solve this case.